Akhirnyaaaa….setelah menunggu sekian lama, film kedua dari Mouly Surya yang berjudul What They Don’t Talk About When The Talk About Love, dapat tanggal rilis juga. Catet ya, film yang mendapat sambutan cukup positif di Sundance Film Festival serta meraih NETPAC Award pada Festival Film di Rotterdam 2013 ini akan tayang 2 Mei 2013 di …. *jeng jeng*….selected cinemas! Dari informasi yang saya dapatkan, film ini sayangnya hanya tayang di sekitar 15 layar. Dan kayaknya hanya di sekitaran Jawa saja. Semoga layar – layar selanjutnya, entah dimanapun berada, akan menyusul menayangkan film ini. Sayang kan, ada film Indonesia yang (katanya) bermutu bagus, tapi tidak bisa diakses oleh banyak orang. Mari bersama – sama kita ucapkan….Amin. Ingat yah, tonton film ini di bioskop mulai 2 Mei 2013. Jangan ditunda, karena model film festival begini biasanya bakal cepat turun. Kalo filmnya tembus ratusan ribu, sutradaranya bakal lari mengelilingi Monas loh. Follow @dontalklove untuk informasi lebih detail.Sebagai pemanasan, mari kita intip komentar – komentar mereka – mereka yang telah beruntung menyaksikan film ini. 

Touching and unique, this Indonesian film explores the blossoming of adolescent love and angst in the setting of a school for deaf, blind and impaired teenagers in Jakarta. Director and writer Surya studied film in Melbourne, and has been acclaimed for the scenes of cinematic poetry she creates with this film.

A deserving winner of the Rotterdam NETPAC Award for best Asian film (and also an entry at this year's Sundance Film Festival), this duet of love stories involving students at a school for the blind is the latest remarkable instance of an intriguing strain of magical realism emerging from a new generation of Indonesian filmmakers. Fusing documentary realism with pop fantasy, Indonesia is threatening to follow South Korea and Thailand as the new epicenter of trendy Asian art cinema.

An entrant in the World Dramatic Competition, the filmic effort (like its big mouthful of a title) perhaps bites off more than it can chew. After all, seeing young love through the “eyes” of a blind teen is a daunting narrative challenge. Yet, filmmaker Mouly Surya is more than up to the task with her exquisite mix of music, movement and cinematic composition. The film alights with graceful insights and strokes that are sensual and, alas, multi-sensory.

Sebuah film yang jujur tentang percintaan disabilitas.

Writer/director Mouly Surya’s movie is a great study in saying a lot with few words; there is barely any dialogue for the first thirty minutes of the film, and it continues to be short on verbosity but rich in reading people’s faces and emotions to convey the coming-of-age love stories.

There’s not a lot of plot, but there is a love story that plays out amid all the daily routines we see. The film is more about an experience than executing a narrative, though it does both beautifully. There’s very little dialogue so it really is a film that relies on the visuals, but doesn’t need the crutch of making the visuals enormous. Subtlety rules.

… this film places a new meaning to the trite phrase "love is blind".

Indonesian helmer Mouly Surya’s sophomore feature, “What They Don’t Talk About When They Talk About Love,” is very different from her first, 2008's tricky suspenser “Fiksi,” but shares with it an intriguing concept muddled by cryptic execution.

WHAT THEY DON'T TALK ABOUT WHEN THEY TALK ABOUT LOVE must be the reason I got an extra day at #Sundance . Beautiful.
(Fred Topel / @FredTopel)

"What They Don't Talk About When They Talk About Love" - a quirky, interesting drama from Indonesia...if kinda confusing. #SUNDANCE
(Jonathan Cloonan / @CloonanJ)

#sundance What They Don't Talk About When They Talk About Love. I liked this, but the too long title prevents me from saying more.
(Tyler Martin / @tylerjaymartin)

'What They Don't Talk About When They Talk About Love' is a delightful, experimental exploration of young love. Very moving.
(Peter Sollett / @petersollett)

"What they don't talk about when they talk about love" was strange but beautiful movie about human connections in the world That is so very different to most of us, in the world of deaf and blind ppl. Very touching and thought provoking
(Piotro / @piterst)


callmetimo mengatakan...

menurut saya, filmnya sederhana dan jujur namun indah dan artistik secara visual. dua jempol buat Mouly Surya. salam hangat dari tiketbioskop.blogspot.com

soeby mengatakan...

Filmnya lucu, jenaka, manis, pahit dan agak membingungkan :)